OLIPOP Review - Healthy Soda Alternative with Prebiotics

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I may not be the worlds biggest soda drinker (my days of guzzling diet coke are gone) but I sure do love a sparkling beverage, and lord knows I care about gut health and having a healthy diet.

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That's why I was very excited to see OLIPOP advertised on Instagram as a "Healthy Alternative to Soda" with plant-based prebiotic foods and botanicals like marshmallow root, chicory root, Nopal Cactus, Casava root, Kudzu root, and Jerusalem artichoke!

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The drinks come in delicious sounding flavors like vintage cola, classic root beer, strawberry vanilla, and lemon ginger.

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Will these beverage taste as good as they sound and help me support a healthy gut by feeding the good bacteria in my stomach? One way to find out! As always, don't forget to like and subscribe! Shop OLIPOP at http://fbuy.me/pfPu5 (referral link)


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